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You Know Best- An Open Letter to My Daughter- From My Teacher-Mama Heart

12/1/16 (This was written on 12/1/16. My daughter was much younger then, but the ideas still remain.)
My dear, sweet girl,
You Know Best

You, my sweet girl, know best. You know better than anyone how hard I work for my “kiddos”.
You know because you see it. No, you don’t go to school with me every day. You go to your own
school. And, no, you don’t know my “kiddos” at all. You know because you see me. You see me for
who I am. You, my sweet girl, give up many hours of play to see me working tirelessly on my computer.
You see me always striving for better for my kids. You hear me asking for ideas and looking for fun
activities that also engage their brains in the standards I’ve been given to teach.

You, my sweet girl, know best. You know better than anyone how much I love my “kiddos”.
You see me cry tears of joy when they succeed at something, especially when they succeed at
something they’ve been really struggling with. You see me cry tears of pain because my heart just
breaks for them when they are frustrated or feeling defeated. You see me cry tears of anger when
they have been treated unkindly or unfairly. You see me break down and sob over people you don’t
even know, but you know it’s them with whom you share my heart.

You, my sweet girl, know best. You know better than anyone how much I love to teach. You see my
eyes light up when I teach you things. You hear me squeal with joy when you learn a new word or do
a new activity with success. And I know that you know I do the same thing for my other “kiddos,” too.
And you’re right. I do.

You, my sweet girl, know best. You know better than anyone how much you give up for me to love my
job. I know that right now you don’t know any different, but one day you will. One day you will know
that there are moms who left their jobs to stay home and be moms full time. And you’ll know that I
chose not to do that. You see, my sweet girl, there are so many children who need someone to believe
in them. That is me. That is what I have been called to do. One day you’ll find a job you love. You’ll
have such passion for that job that you may choose not to leave when (or if) you have kids. Know that
I will always support whatever decision you make. It’s certainly not an easy one and not one that I
took lightly.

You, my sweet girl, know best. You know better than anyone how much you’ve learned from having a
“working mom”.

I, my sweet girl, I know, too. I know that I have made choices that have shaped our lives and have
shaped who you are already. I pray everyday that I’ve made the right ones. You will never know, not
ever, how much I love you. I am with children all day long. I teach them, I love them, and I only want
what is best for them. It’s the same with you. I may not be with you all day long, but I teach you through
my actions that you should always follow your heart and your passion. You should always do what you
can to make this world a better place and to spread the love of God all over this world. I may not be
with you all day long, but I love you every single second of every single day, whether we are together
or apart. You are my greatest adventure; my answered prayer; and my biggest joy. I may not be with
you all day long, but I always only want what is best for you. I believe with all of my heart that what is
best for you is for you to have a happy, functioning, contributing, driven Mama. I truly believe that I am
showing you that you can be a good Mama and have a successful career. I am not perfect. I won’t say
that I am. I am far from the perfect Mama. But, I am your Mama and no one will ever love you more
than I do. I know that for sure.

I love you more than there are stars in the sky.



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