Many thanks to Ms. Orozco for her willingness to be a guest blogger on our blog. We truly appreciate it and can't wait to try out our own class blogs! ~Maggie and Laura Class blogs can be of great use in engaging students, and fueling their success in and out of the classroom. I personally first started using a class blog in 2014 with my Geography students. I had already tried several blogging platforms for personal use, such as Tumblr, Blogger, and LiveJournal, but while initially impressed with their features and overall look, had since become disenchanted, when I stumbled upon WordPress. WordPress did have a learning curve, and I continue to learn new ways of interacting with it, and leveraging its tools, but it is well worth the time and effort because of all the customization you can do with it, and all the features available. I created a class blog with the following features that I used and absolutely recommend to anyone just starting out with a blog: ...